peel and portion a tangerine
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Claire was born in Oxford, England. She is currently living with her husband in Hamburg working as a kids and youthworker at a church in her neighbourhood. They live alongside families from all over the world, including many who have fled from Syria, Irak, Afghanistan, Macedonia, Kosovo and other countries. Claire shares an art studio with other artists in Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg. She graduated from Durham University in 2015 where she studied French and German. She has always enjoyed being creative in many areas of her life - drawing whenever she can, writing poetry since primary school and playing the violin since the age of 10 in orchestras and bands. Wanting to be an artist when she was younger, Claire has now decided that this is not her profession but part of who she is - how she processes, functions and understands.
Over the last few years Claire has had joint art exhibitions with other artists in Hamburg. If you are interested in displaying her work, would like to request a commission or just want to get in contact, email Claire at:
Thank you!
"les mains en or... ce que tu as"
- Fabienne Taupin
When I consider your heavens/ the work of your fingers/ the moon and the stars/ which you have set in place/ what is man that you are mindful of him/ the son of man that you care for him?/ You made him little lower than the heavenly beings/ and crowned him with glory and honour./ Psalm 8 v 3-5