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'Turning to the New Testament, we learn that... glowing space nebulae, rainbows, the flavor of watermelon, and coffee beans were his idea… . [Jesus] spent most of his career as a tekton, a craftsman who could make both small and large-scale projects with stone, wood, and metal. Then when his public ministry started, Jesus taught mostly in parables, painting mental pictures that have lived in our imagination for more than two millennia. His greatest commandment to love God with all of ourselves includes the imaginative and creative parts too, as it most certainly did for him.' - Thaddeus Williams

This painting is based on my friend Dean Evans, who I admire greatly for his skill, courage and patience in carpentry and watch-making. I decided I wanted to paint him at work as I was thinking about the quotation above which my sister-in-law sent me about faith and creativity. The person of Jesus fascinates me. 

Hamburg Skyline​, designed with Anna Rosenfeld, Acrylic

One of my favourite stories is of a woman who was tired and got refreshed through Jesus meeting her (John 4, the Bible). I was exhausted last August and these were self portraits I painted after Jesus refreshed me.

WhatsApp Image 2020-04-27 at

This time with the Corona Pandemic is pretty crazy hey. Here is one response. A play on Van Gogh's "Starry Night". 

On the wood it reads, "Where did all the people go? (I don't know... but did you see those stars?)"

Ewbank | Germany | Claire Ewbank Art
Ewbank | Germany | Claire Ewbank Art
Art Claire Ewbank

What Do Our Children Dream Of? 

Acrylic on Wood and Pyrography

Flowers 2 Tiptoe Colour.jpeg
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