peel and portion a tangerine
(click on a heading or hover the mouse above it to choose one of the drop down options)
Published on Dec 15, 2016​
I wrote this poem in response to a conversation with a friend about how we enter into conversations with people... are we talking so that we can talk or are we talking so that we can learn? Or both? Or something completely different?
We read through the book 'James' together recently in the Bible and one sentence will not let me go: "be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry". I feel like a lot of things in life would work better if I took this advice.
Jesus cries
Published on Aug 30, 2016
One of my friends was over for dinner with her family and her husband was playing with the Duplo bricks with his kids. Suddenly they started laughing- he'd built a little house and had found two little Duplo people to be him and his wife :) this was where this piece began. These guys need a house.
Then you start asking questions.
Eine Freundin war vor einigen Wochen mit ihrer Familie bei mir zu Hause. Ihr Mann spielte mit den Duplo Spielzeugen mit den Kindern und fing plötzlich an zu lachen - ich fragte warum er lachte so, und er zeigte mir das Haus, was er mit den Kindern gebaut hatte - sehr schön, mit Blumen und zwei kleinen Menschen vor der Tür :) So hat dieses Video angefangen. Sie brauchen ein Haus.
Wegen sowas fängt man an, Fragen zu stellen.
Lie Down
Published on Jun 22, 2016
living on the fourth floor has its advantages - stunning light.
This one's really for Harri Endersby, but also for all my friends who've put up with me jabbering on about light at some point.
Pick up, pick down
Published on May 30, 2016
For my great friend and the wonderful artist Rosie Caldecott
Still standing
Published on May 23, 2016​
I went camping in the countryside last week and got caught in a rainstorm when I was on a walk. I wrote this piece because of that mixing with all sorts of stories from people I'm meeting and working with at the moment, some of whom have fled their homes and are looking to start up again somewhere else, others of whom don't know where they're heading at all, but are just trying to make sure they stay standing.
Little Niece
Published on Feb 16, 2016
As of last week I am an auntie! This one is written after having met my first niece for the first time. It was read and recorded as she slept (koala-style) on me on the sofa.
Gone Gone Gone
Published on Jan 17, 2016
I met a wonderful family this week who had fled to Germany from Syria and this is one response to our afternoon together.